Set your goals high but not your expectations. ~Dove

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Soapy Business (3 of 5 Reviews)

My journey continues with my samples and this morning I chose the Dead Sea Body Bar.  I was excited to try this because many of the online reviews were very positive.  I couldn't wait to jump in the shower!
Description (provided by the seller):  The Dead Sea Body Bar contains natural exfoliating ingredients such as Dead Sea salts, Ground Luffa and Apricot Seeds, and Walnut Husk. Infused with essential minerals of Dead Sea mud as well as moisturizing oils, this body bar will detoxify and refresh your skin.

Ingredients: Olive Oil, Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Avocado Oil, Dead Sea Salts, Dead Sea Mud, Ground Apricot Seeds, Walnut Husk, Ground Luffa, Seaweed Powder, Essential Oil Blend
I immediately started working the bar into a lather and noticed it didn't suds up like the others had.  I had to work the bar in my hands vigorously for a few seconds and then there was a lather.  As I rubbed the bar over my arms and legs, I noticed the exfoliants were incredibly harsh on my skin.  I tried to rub lightly but found the bar was just too rough and ended up using the soap on my feet as a pumice.  My feet were the only part of my body that could tollerate the tough ingredients of this soap.

I don't think this soap suits my skins needs, but would be a great addition to my foot care.

On a scale of 1-5 Bubbles, I'll give 2 Bubbles.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Soapy Business (2 of 5 Reviews)

To continue my adventure in soaps and before I make my first batch of soap, I am testing a few flavors to help me decide what I'd like.  Today I chose to soap up with the Eucalyptus Body Bar.  This bar had a stronger scent than I had anticipated, but was a very clean and fresh scent.

Description (provided by the seller):
Eucalyptus oil is often used in saunas for its detoxifying and soothing properties. The combination of Eucalyptus and Rosemary essential oils along with moisturizing butters in this body bar will set your mind at ease.
Olive Oil, Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter, Soybean Oil, Dry Rosemary Leaf, Eucalyptus, Rosemary Essential Oils

This bar of soap has rosemary leaves inside the bar which helped with exfoliating.  Since this was a trial size, more like a travel size bar, I only had a few leaves throughout the bar.  By the time I was through my shower, I could see the leaves sticking out from either side of the bar.

The lather from this bar was very sudsy with large bubbles.  I was pleased with how the bar lathered and couldn't imagine a soap getting more bubbly.  I'm not sure what this soap would be like without the rosemary, but I would be interested in trying it that way.  Rosemary makes me think of potatos, maybe because I like to put rosemary on my homemade homefries.  I suppose it makes for a good morning shower!  While rinsing the bubbles off, my skin was left with the squeaky clean feeling but not so squeaky that I needed to apply body lotion after drying off. 

Overall, I would rate this soap: 4 Bubbles!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dark Chocolate Covered Goji Berry


I bought these today as a snack/lunch type thingy.  I was having a blah day and was looking for a pick me up.  I stumbled upon these down a random isle and have never heard of Goji Berries.  Have you? 

They don't taste any different than any dried fruit covered in chocolate.  In fact, anything covered in chocolate is yummy so this could be dried gummy bugs for all I knew. (Did I mention I'm having  a blah day?)

Anyways, so what the heck are goji berries?  Well, they're also known as Wolfberries and are native to the Himalayas and Tibet.  These little berries are loaded with nutrients and have been known to cure numerous ailments, boosts energy and provides stamina.  And wait, it will also treat signs of aging!  What??

If you want to read more, check out this blog I found dedicated to Goji berries.

Bee's a Buzzin'

I wish there were bees outside right now!  Instead, we have a snow squal going on and it's very hard to walk through.  Little pellets of rain-snow (that's what the dj is calling it) and I thought it sounded weird, until I actually walked outside. 

So to lift my spirits during this gloomy day (and hopefully clear my sinuses), I purchased some hand creme by Burt's Bees.  I was surprised that it was more of a lotion than creme.  Either way, I was thrilled with how quickly it absorbed into my skin.  The smell is calming and yes, it has cleared by nose!  Incredible!  I may just keep my fingers around my nose... LOL.  I work in a cubie all day so I have a hard time finding a good hand creme.  But Burt's has yet to disappoint me. 

Other Burt's that I love are: lip balm, cuticle creme, and their Coconut Foot Creme.
I also purchased their Herbal Blemish Stick but haven't had the chance to sample it yet.

Burt's had a few option for hand care, for those who have extremely raw, chapped, dry hands, I highly recommend checking out their products.  For me, this was it.

Soapy Business (1 of 5 Reviews)

I recently ordered 5 samples of soap from a shop and within a couple of days I received my samples.  The samples I chose were: Shea Butter Body Bar, Cocoa Butter Bar, Eucalyptus Body Bar, Honey Milk Body Bar, and Dead Sea Body Bar.  The samples were FREE, all I had to do was pay for the shipping & handling. 

So I placed my order on Monday and when I got home from work on Tuesday, the package was in my mailbox!  I was pleasantly surprised of how quickly it arrived.  I decided I need to use each of them on different days so I can figure out which type of bar I want to make, and because there are five bars, I want to keep a log about my thoughts.

First up: Shea Butter Body Bar
This appeals to me because this is the type of bar I have been looking to make, so I was wicked excited to jump in the shower this morning (dispite my new cold---thanks to J). 

Description (Provided by the seller):
Indulge in a fusion of aromas such as Vanilla, Spearmint, and Sweet Orange as you infuse your skin with deep moisture of Shea Butter. Designed to leave your skin glowing and silky-smooth.
Ingredients: Olive Oil, Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Avocado Oil, Castor Oil, Vitamin E, Essential Oil Blend

Sounds fancy, right?  I thought so, and I was ready to feel results.  The lather was medium thickness, more of a sudsy feel rather than bubbly.  I liked the way my skin felt slick while I was scrubbing with the bar.  It almost felt like my skin was thirsty and this soap was quenching it's thirst.  As I rinsed I started to feel squeeky clean.  I got nervous that my skin was going to tighten up and feel dry when I got out of the shower, but that never happened!  I didn't even need to put lotion on after my shower!  I felt clean.  WOW, what does that say for my old soap?  I have been using shower gel and a loofa for as long as I can remember.  I think I may need to make a switch to using natural soap.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bathing in coffee

Saturday morning was a typical morning.  Wake up, make some coffee, play with J, make breakfast, clean up and get ready for the day.  Nothing to crazy, right? 

Well this particular morning I decided to use my Steamboat Willie mug (one of my favorites).  J has only seen this mug a handful of times because I have a few favorites that I like to use, depending on my mood.  J absolutely loves Mickey Mouse and will refer to him as 'Ickey'.  So this morning he was SO excited I was using the Ickey mug.  Of course he doesn't understand why he can't touch it, but that's okay, I explain anyways and hope he retains something I said.

We finish breakfast and while I'm cleaning up the dishes, my husband is finishing his coffee on the couch and watching his home improvement shows on HGTV.  J is padding around the kitchen through the living room and around again, getting into anything and everything.  Of course, there was the Icky mug, sitting on the kitchen table way up high, but no longer out of his little arms reach. 

It all happened so fast, yet it appeared in slow motion as I watched it happen.  I'm at the sink washing dishes, I overhear J babbling about something so I turn to see what he's doing.  Of course!  Steamboat Willie is right there, how can he resist!  J grabs the handle and slowly tips the mug off the table.  Meanwhile I'm dashing around the kitchen trying to grab the mug (filled with coffee) before he could get to it.  I'm not even at his side when I see coffee spill out of the mug and onto the floor.  Next thing I know I'm sliding in and around him, thanks to the fresh coffee on the ceramic tile floor.  I grab the mug from him and in doing so, I end up spilling the rest of the coffee all over J's face!  The mug ended up on the floor, shattered.

By this time my husband is in the kitchen with us and we're both horrifed that we'll be seeing little boils of blisters appearing on J's face.  I take him to the sink and can only think of dunking his head under the faucet.  I stop myself before doing that and really take a good look at what happened to his face.  He's crying hysterically and his face is red.  Luckily my coffee had been in the mug for a while and it wasn't hot like I had expected it to be.  It was more like bath water.  Still, J was upset.  Clearly, this was a traumatic situation! 

I'm glad J is ok.  But my Steamboat Willie mug was thrown straight into the trash. 

I've since looked online to try and find where I can buy a replacement, but it seems like they are collectables now.  I did find a random picture of one, maybe someday I'll have another one.

Scrub a dub!

My fascination with homemade soaps have lingered in my mind for a long time.  I would always gather in the shops and smelled all the different bars of soap.  Lavender, cucumber, sandlewood, citrus, french vanilla... oh the list goes on and on.

So I recently started some research on what it takes to actually make this creamy, smells oh-so-good, bar of soap.  Little did I know... a lot more goes into it than I had imagined.  I've been reading about it for a few days now and I thought I was going to get overwhelmed, bored, or lose my oompfh and lose interest in the idea.  But so far, everything I've read has made me drawn to the possibilities of this craft. 

Making bars of soap, a craft?  Yup, I actually thought it wasn't, but the more I read about this craft, it appears that there is a serious business of making a GOOD bar of soap!  So I thought, I want one!  (Kind of sounding like the girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) but not sounding spoiled and whiny.  So I've taken many notes and a shopping list of what I'll need to purchase.  Come to find out, I may need to buy more than I had anticipated, BUT if I'm going to be serious about this, it's an investment, right? 

My main goal is to create a soap that is safe for J, and not so 'girly' smelling so my husband will use a bar or two.  I've been drawn to the shea butter soaps and I've read adding castor oil will make it really sudsy.  (Why would I make a soap that doesn't create fun bubbles??)  I also can't wait to start experimenting with the essential oils (EO).  Lavendar, Tea Tree, Chamomile Roman, Laurel Leaf, and Orange (just to name a few). 

There is a whole other world out there that I somehow feel vulnerable and need to watch where I step.  I wonder why that is?

Monday, January 25, 2010

...but I'M the BABY

J is my first child, so he is used to 100% attention from me.  If I'm not the one giving him the attention, then it's his Daddy.  If my husband and I are having a conversation while eating dinner, J pipes up and starts whining and fussing.  As soon as we turn our conversation to him, he cheers up.  He's our little sweat pea and silly putty.

So when I take J on a car ride this past Saturday to visit a friend and her new baby, I was very curious to see how he'd react to his Mum holding another baby.  J has done well with babies in daycare, LOVES them, but we haven't ventured to mixing these other babies with Mum.

My friend has a bull mastiff, which is no longer a puppy.  By puppy I mean, small-baby-like-puppy.  He is now 1.5 years old and is HUGE.  So when J and I arrive at my friends house, J is greated by the dog with happy barks and sloppy slobber.  J's daycare has 2 dogs so he isn't frieghtened by this remarkably large dog, but is very curious and wants to play with him.

While J is busy getting aquainted with his new buddy, I'm getting to know the new little (8 week old) bundle of joy.  It wasn't too long when J discovers what's in my arms and when I ask him to come over to say HI, he puckers out his lips and furrows his eyebrows into a scowl and glares at me.  I almost think he could have had his hands on his hips, but instead his squats down on the floor and starts whining and yelling at me.  He did NOT like this baby with me.  I tried to talk him into coming over to me, but it wasn't until I sent the newborn back to his Mama and then J finally came rushing to me as if he was declaring his Mum back.  There were a few more scowls made by J while the sleeping baby layed next to his Mama.  I felt discouraged with his attitude but in hindsight I think I could have approached the situation differently.  Had I introduced J to our friends new baby first, then had him watch me hold the baby, maybe there would be a different attitude from him? 

I feel guilty in admitting this, but I do forget that J has different reactions towards situations that I would.  So it makes me feel like I'm not teaching him the fundamentals in communication.  I have a hard time expressing my own feelings, so how the heck can I make sure J will appropriately express how he's feeling?

During our visit, our friends newborn baby finally woke up and J started to warm up to him.  He actually started rocking him in the baby swing and helped me tickle those iddy-biddy toes.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Coo-coo for Coconut?

I saw these at the store the other day and had to pay the $1.99 for a small bag.  I have never seen these!  So I have saved them for a time when I could enjoy them.  Today was the day and for some reason I thought the center would be filled with coconut, but what was I thinking?  These are plain M&M's with a coconut flavor.  There are little white umbrella's on the candies along with the usual "M".  If you are able to try a sample, go ahead.  But I wouldn't invest in these unless you truely love anything coconutty.

Book Nook: The Baker's Apprentice by Judith Hendricks

I started reading this book in December and finished it last week.  I will consider this my first read of the new year, completed.

The Baker's Apprentice is a sequel to Bread Alone.  Bread Alone is a 'riches to rags' story that walks you through the life of Wyn as she struggles through a divorce, moves to Seattle, and goes back to basics: making bread.  The book left me feeling full of warmth, comfort, and the need to make bread.  When I found out there was a sequel I was hesitant as some reviewers didn't like it as much as the first.  But I wanted to make my own opinion, so off to the city library to pick it up.  Both books are easy reads as I was done reading within a few weeks, while still running around after my son. 

I was a little torn with the ending of The Baker's Apprentice.  It seems like there is more room for a third book but have not seen one published, yet.  While Wyn had met Mac in Bread Alone, they maintain their relationship in The Baker's Apprentice, but I wasn't sure how I felt about the focus changing back and forth from Wyn to Mac.  The author does focus on the relationship Wyn has with her Apprentice but felt the title of the book was misleading as I was left forgetting about the Apprentice and wondering what will happen with Wyn & Mac?  I was still left with the same feeling as the first book but I'm hoping for a third as there are a lot of new questions that are unanswered. 

I'd recommend both books Bread Alone and The Baker's Apprentice to anyone who is looking for a calm, easy read.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Out To Lunch

I went out for lunch the other day, by myself. This is part of my personal goals for the new year. I refer to them as goals, instead of resolutions, to help rebalance my life.

The cafe that I dined at was incredibily busy and there were very few seat options. Being by myself I tried to select a table near the front of the restaurant by the windows. As I was waiting for my buzzer to ring, indicating my lunch was ready, I realized I didn't have any way of reserving my table. So when my buzzer buzzed I decided to leave my drink, napkins, and my receipt at the table, hoping this would identify to others that the table was occupied.

Who knew this theory would fall short and the execution pretty much failed. As I meandered through the busy restaurant, I found my plate of food, and quickly zig-zagged back to my little table by the windows. Little did I know, my table had been tagged by someone else. But as I sat down, I set my eyes on my plate and began to 'dig in'. The woman and her kiddos next to me turned around and gasped at the site of me sitting at her table. Note, that this was what I saw out of the corner of my eye, as making eye contact would have created an awkward conversation and I'd probably end up moving my scheduled luncheon with myself to another secluded area (that didn't exist because there were SO many people).

So there I sat eating my lunch and hoping this woman wouldn't talk to me. Yes, I felt horrible, guilty, and awkward while her and her friend, and the 2 kids, try to decide what to do about seats. But I felt confident that I clearly identified my table as occupied while I was getting my food, that I didn't feel the need to send her that message with a snide remark. She hadn't said 'boo' to me yet.

Luckily another table was clearing up to go and they were able to slide two tables together. I felt better but now I was sitting next to them and I started feeling like I was pretending to be deaf. This was supposed to be a fun lunch experience with myself. Instead, I found myself inhaling my food just so I could get away as soon as possible from my awkward situation. For some reason I ended up judging myself for all the reasons I thought were right (at first), and ended up leaving feeling selfish and guilty. My next Out To Lunch experience will have to include (if it's a busy lunch day) a "single's" section or bar area, and I will also need to bring a book or journal so I can be distracted by other possible disruptions.

I can drive a dump truck... who knew?!!!

Who can say no to this face?? Not me!

We have this very large Tonka toy dump truck and J loves to hope in, tuck his feet in the corners and hold tight to the rails of the bucket. I look at him and see him staring at me with a big grin. So I ask, "Do you want a ride?" He replies, "Yah-Yah!!" He's SOOO excited at the thought he squeals and giggles with glee.

The tires on the truck make this rumbling sound when we take the tour around the house. We have hardwood floors in our living room and tile in the kitchen. The few scatter rugs don't give much thrill so I try to make the truck spin around in circles. Apparently I've made this a huge event in our household that I cannot go a day without the dump truck tour around the house. And the faster I go with him, the louder the rumblings get, and the bigger the smile he has on that face of his. I am so exhausted by the time I'm done, but I know, he won't fit into this truck forever. So for now, I'm enjoying my time as the driver of J's Tonka.

Friday, January 15, 2010


There are 4 words I try to remind myself everyday. Remove, Restore, Rebalance, Replenish. I sometimes have a hard time focusing on these words and forget what they mean to me. Today I've been extremely focused on how to REBALANCE my life. I'm an all or nothing kind of girl so this is a hard one for me to do. This will also not necessarily affect my husband or son, this is something for only me.

After reading some inspirational advice from another blogger, I wrote a list of things that ramble through my brain. Things that I think, for now, I need to do in order for me to feel balanced. My list is as follows, in no particular order:

~Weed out clothes that I no longer wear (donate/toss/sell)
~Print & organize pics of J for 2009
~Maintain 2010 photos once a month
~Go back to having a weekly date night with my husband
~De-clutter monthly bills
~Take the cat to the vet (missed this one last year!)
~Walk! (30min-- 3x/week)
~Take a class: art(any form)/photography/yoga
~Read 1 book a month (join a book club?)
~Go out to lunch by myself once a month (defined as sitting in a restaurant at a table -- alone)
~Spend more time with J doing Mum & Me activities
~Create a garden in the yard (flowers or vegetables) Maybe both

My list may grow, but for now, this is where my mind is right now.
It's taken me over a year to acclimate my life to having a kid around and somewhere among the chaos I've lost a little of myself, yet gained a whole new dimension to myself. My priorities have changed but I need to squeeze a few old ones back into the mix.

Doin' Some Sole Searching

For shoes that is!

We didn't put J in shoes until he was about 11 months old. I prefer barefeet myself and I guess I never thought much about what my son would prefer. So throughout his infant days we'd maybe put some socks on him but that's about it.

Then there was the day Grandma brought him to the shoe store and bought him his first pair of sneakers. I felt a little sad that I missed out on that adventure with him, but I was okay with it. He's been wearing these shoes since that day and loves them. They are prewalkers, so the soles are almost like flip-flops. Very bendy and soft with two velcro strap over the top. Some days when we're home, he'll be padding around the living room in socks. Out of the corner of his eye he'll see his shoes on the stairs and run toward them. He picks them up with excitement and brings them over to me. I ask him, "Do you want to put your shoes on?" He squeals, "Yah-Yah!!" It's like the novelty of having them on his feet are so amusing to him, although I'm sure he feels more sturdy while walking around in them too.

Tomorrow is going to be my first experience buying those little shoes. Did I mention J loves shoes? :) I can only imagine what his expression will be like when we walk through the doors. "Ooshs!!!!" is what he'll say while pointing...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Energy? What energy...

Usually I can see it coming. But a few days ago I somehow got blindsided by J's sneeze. It was a good one too, nice and wet. I knew as soon as it happened that I was in trouble. I've been able to avoid a cold all winter, but now, I've been tagged.

I wake up today and feel like I need a vacation from my morning routine. My alarm goes off, I hit snooze twice, then realize I can't wait for the alarm to go off again. I take a somewhat longer shower than my usual weekday showers but for some reason the water never gets hot enough for me today. I was looking for that steam to help the cloud in my head disappear. No such luck.

I've opted to skip the coffee this morning. Seriously? Yes. I'm hoping a few jugs of water will help clear my brain cells. In the meantime I'll need to find an alternative way to get my day going. Maybe the void out there will give me some helpful answers.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Had a good laugh

It's been a few days, but I'm still thinking about the comedy show I went to this weekend. His name is Jim Colliton and I had a hard time remembering it but cannot forget his show. He primarily talks about his family, kids, and the quirkiness he experiences with them. ie: where to go to the bathroom when you're swimming in the ocean; or how honest a 2 year old can be. His opening bit had us roaring immediatly and we were laughing to the very end.

I would recommend seeing him if he comes to the area. He has quite the schedule lined up and you can check it out on his website here.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Today, I feel blessed...

I heard some very terrible news today about a little girl who hasn't reached her 2nd birthday. Just a few days ago she was living her normal life with her family. Today, she is in the hospital undergoing many critical tests and blood trasfusions. There hasn't been an exact diagnosis but the doctors discovered a tumor on her liver and around her ovaries. My heart truely aches for this little girl and I don't even know her or her family. So I sent a gift that will hopefully help the family move through this horrible moment in their lives. I can only hope and pray that this little girl heals from all the little blessings she is receiving.

My heart aches and I realize how lucky I am to have a healthy child, but I'm so scared of what tomorrow may bring. I am greatful for so many things in my life and I'm very much appreciative of those who fill my heart. Some days do get hectic and we all go through our ups and downs. Today is a day where I will reflect on all that I have and truely appreciate the ones I love. Without them I know I wouldn't be who I am today.

Today, I hope everyone will take a moment to reflect on those in their lives and honestly believe that they are blessed.

Tonight, I will be going to bed sending positive, healthy thoughts to that little 1 year old girl laying in her hospital bed.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

We're climbing stairs

After visiting the pediatrician yesterday I learned J is up 2 pounds since his last visit in November. This is a good thing. The sort of bad thing is, J doesn't gain weight regularly like a normal growth chart shows. His looks more like stairs and I'm sure by this point, will continue to look like stairs.

Since he has started eating adult foods I have become very neurotic about how much he eats, and whether or not he's really hungry or just annoyed at his buffet style meals. Yes, toddlers will eat when they're hungry, but if they're upset they will also not eat or vomit everything you just gave them. Most nights I feel so defeated by the charades we play but when I pull him out of his high chair and put him down on the floor, he pitter-patters away in glee. I feel I have lost the battle. But meal times shouldn't be a struggle, right? We should be enjoying a family meal together (most nights) and talking about our day. Right? I guess that's my ultimate goal with this process.

So last night I left the doctors office with a sigh of relief knowing he gained 2 pounds. But I know the battle will continue until he can tell me what he wants to eat. Last night we had a successful evening: half grilled cheese with broccoli and carrots, and few cubed cheese bites.

OH and another discovery from the doctors visit: he has a small case of pink eye in his right eye. I now have to give him a drop 2-3 times a day. You can imagine the scene this creates. My Husband tried to help by hold all of J's limbs down but that creates more of a dramatic scene. SO I somehow manipulate his flailing legs and arms around my body while I cradle his head in the crook of my arm, pry his eye lid open, and barely squeeze a drop of medicine in his eye. Oh the joy of parenthood. As soon as it's all over, he sits up, stops crying and runs to play. Within a few minutes he is not mad at me anymore and gives me a smooch. You gotta admire the unconditional love these tots have for someone who is always creating so much drama in their life...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sorry... I was lost.

Today feels like my 'new day'. I've somehow let the holiday treats creap into my every day life. I feel foolish for letting it take over my insecurities, I'm better than that! So today I am making the vow that I am (once again) in charge of those 'oh so good treats' and welcome the many fresh fruits and veggies that will pile into the grocery stores. Spring will be just around the corner and I will keep my eye out for those locally grown products. Of course I can't afford to buy locally grown produce, but I can splurge here and there. Farmer's Markets-- watch out!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Coffee Break

I'm not the type of person who needs a cup of coffee every day. I don't know why, I just have never been that way. Our big fancy coffee maker is a grind and brew. This requires a lot of cleaning when you have to make a fresh pot. So my coffee consumption has only been 2 cups max.

However, we have recently started using the Keurig coffee maker. Now, well, I look forward to selecting my coffee of choice from our carrousel, feed the k-cup into the brewer and secure the cover. We have the brewer that gives two options for cup size: small and large. I select small so I have a stronger flavored coffee this morning. Quietly my Keurig goes to work, heating and brewing my coffee for me and within minutes my cup is full and waiting.

I've tried the hot cocoa in the Keurig. That's good too, but there is something about the coffee. It's so simple and easy to make! I look forward to my daily coffee break whenever I can. My son "J" tries to limit that time from me though. He is 13 months and is such a busy bee. Most times I have to reheat my perfect cup of coffee, which isn't the same as the first time it brewed, but still yummy.

My 2 cup a day has now turned to 4-6 cups! I am realizing that there may be an issue developing, especially when I see those little k-cups piling up... which by the way they do not look like they can be recycled. I will have to look into that.


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