Set your goals high but not your expectations. ~Dove

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Other Parents

Every morning I drop off my 22 month old son at his school.  The school watches kids between the ages of 6 weeks to 5 years old.  So there is a wide range of children scooting, walking, and running around excited to start their day of play.  Of course there is learning going on, but really, it's mostly play. 

Every afternoon I pick up my 22 month old son from his school.  If it's a nice day out, I can find him in the playground, usually covered in dirt.  Somehow the dirt is caked onto his skin.  How does this happen?  However if the weather isn't the best, the kids are inside one of the classrooms playing or exploring.

Each of these mornings and afternoons I usually see the same parents picking up and dropping off.  I assume that they all have jobs to get to, since they're dressed rather nicely.  Some look like they're dressed for the gym, well, maybe that's where they work.  In either case, I leave my son at his school and as I pull out of the parking lot, I reflect on these other parents and the roles they play outside their homes.  Are they business owners, executives, bankers, coaches, or retail associates?  At the point of which we say goodbye to our kiddos, is the point where we place a new hat on our heads and gear up for the day ahead. 

As I pass each parent I either nod or say Hi.  We'll hold doors open for each other or give soothing smiles when our little one isn't ready to say goodbye. 

The commonality of our roles is the same, we're Moms, Dads, or another caregiver to these children.  We put our trust into these schools and daycares to ensure our children get the best care.  We trust these teachers and set our fears aside and buckle up for the workday ahead. 

Even though I don't have a chance to socialize with these other parents, I do think of them often.  I wonder if they had the kind of morning we had and if their kid made it a point to wear his rubber boots instead of his sneakers.  At the end of the day, I hope they're able to put their crazy work day aside once they see their kids and greet them with warm, fresh hugs and kisses.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and I'm not sure why. 

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