Set your goals high but not your expectations. ~Dove

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week 4! The turning point.

I'm starting to get nervous with this couch25k plan.  The runs are now at 3 and 5 minutes each.  5 minutes doesn't sound like much, but gosh, I sometimes feel a train wreck could be thundering through the walls when I'm pounding on the treadmill for 3.5 minutes. 

I've learned I really need to take it slow.  Really slow.  I know my speed will advance over time.  I don't want to burn myself out in this process, because honestly, I'm enjoying the run.  It's solid, and it keeps my head clear.

It won't be long until I can take a run outside.  The weather here in NH is still chilly and I don't need to attempt any heroic measures by slipping and sliding along the icy patches in my neighborhood.  I have a treadmill sleeping in my basement, waiting, and anticipating some love. 

If you haven't taken a look at the couch25k plan, let me just say this.  It won't be long until the plan has me running for 10 then 20 minutes at a time.  I'm kinda freaking out about that idea.  I feel like someone is twisting my arm making me do this.  The truth of the matter is, nobody is making me do anything.  I made up my mind to continue this 5k journey and plan to follow through with it too.

Speaking of that, the registration that I had hoped to get in the mail over the weekend is, well, still sitting in my bag.  I have got to get that mailed, pronto!  April 2nd will be here soon enough, and of course, I'd like my free t-shirt for registering too.  Apparently only the first 200 registrants receive a free t-shirt.  Donations: $20.  Aahh, I guess I can get it done.  Tomorrow?

So in the meantime, I've made this commitment to take a jaunt on my treadmill for 30 minutes every other day.  That's 3-4 times a week, depending on the week.  I'm sort of scared to take 2 days off in a row, in fear I will lose any motivation I have now.

The bottom line is, I'm at week 4, and I do plan on continuing through to week 9.  I'm in the halfway point in this journey, and to be honest?  I feel great.  I really do.  I even have noticed pants have started fitting differently and was more ambitious the other day and bought two new pairs of pants.  In a smaller size too!  Buying clothes for myself rarely happens.  I find more joy in shopping for my son or for household items.  So I actually had a hard time shopping the other day.  The stores I used to shop at were, sort of, too expensive now considering I have a kid to support and a house to maintain.  My budget for me is very slim.  So the stores I usually browse through were left for me to browse and no buying power.  I resorted to a clearance section in a department store and found my two pairs of pants for $15.30 total!  Crazy, right?  I feel giggly just thinking about it.  Nevertheless, it was a treat for reaching my halfway point.  I deserved it.  At least I think so.

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