It was his choice to go diaper less today. He saw a picture of himself last summer, wearing underwear in the house. He immediately asked me about the photo. He pointed out that he wasn't wearing a diaper and had underwear on. Why wasn't he wearing underwear??? His tone started to sound like I had been holding out on him. Like this was a revelation for him. So I told him he COULD wear underwear but he had to remember he couldn't go pee pee or poopy in his underwear. He would need to remember to use the potty. He seemed okay with the idea. He was excited.
It was the last thing he told me before going to bed last night. He wanted to show his friends his underwear. Aahh, only because he's 2 does that sound cute.
Sure enough, we walked into his school today and when he saw his friend, he immediately wanted to show off his new piece of clothing. Cookie Monster was on them too! How COOL!
It'll be an interesting day, for sure. I haven't been pushing the whole potty training because he does use it occasionally, but not full time. I would rather have him spend time at home being naked, that way he could remember when to go with minimal accidents. He does well with naked time. But it's still winter in March and I just don't have the heart to let him go naked too long this time of the year.
I know he understands the potty. He's not afraid of it. He just chooses not to use it all the time and prefers diapers. So I go with it. I find the more I force him to do something, he resists the challenge. So if I act like I don't care if he does it or not, he wants to use it. We make a big deal if he does use the potty. Lots of HIGH FIVES and dances, PLUS he gets 1 M&M. Yup, 1. And that's just for going pee pee. He will get 2 for going poopy, but we haven't really experienced much of that lately.
The kid is only 27 months so I don't like to apply too much pressure on him. Heck, I'm thrilled that he just wanted to wear the underwear today! If it turns out that it was a bad day for underwear, well, then, we're back to diapers. I'm not too concerned. In the meantime, I'll enter this moment in the books about when the kid decided he was done with diapers for the day.
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