Set your goals high but not your expectations. ~Dove

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Smooches at the new school

It's day two at your new school and you look forward to the day.  You talk about the toys and what you like to play with.  You mention the purple car and I remember seeing the purple car when we visited last week.

I sing a silly song as we drive to school, "We're going to school... to school.. to school..." just like the tune from Peter Pan and Following the Leader.  You smile and say again and I sing the song all the way to school. 

We park the car and walk through the outside play area.  You scan to the toys and cars and try to make your escape to them.  You aren't ready to go inside.  You're such an outside kid and would play outside all day if you could.  So today I needed to pick you up and take you into the classroom.  The kids and teachers are waiting for you.  They greet you and you become hesitant about me leaving you again. 

I'm sure the new routines will be an adjustment, especially now that you are sleeping on a mat for naps.  But the teachers reassure me you are adjusting well. 

I unpack your lunch and tuck your Pooh bear into your cubbie.  You're clinging to my leg and whining.  I rub your back and give you a big squeeze and remind you how much fun you'll be having today.  You seem weary about it all but I can also see it's a small game you are playing with me. 

I tell you it's time for me to leave so you can go play.  I ask you for a smooch and you turn your head away.  I know you're upset with me for leaving you in general.  I know you enjoy playing with me but there are some days when we have to spend some time apart.  I tell you I love you and take your head in my hands and give you a smooch on your cheek.  You don't fight my kiss and you find a truck to play with and you whine. 

You watch me leave and you're not happy, but I know my smooch will need to last all day until I see you again.  I'll smooch you later today when I pick you up at your new school.

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