Set your goals high but not your expectations. ~Dove

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Energy? What energy...

Usually I can see it coming. But a few days ago I somehow got blindsided by J's sneeze. It was a good one too, nice and wet. I knew as soon as it happened that I was in trouble. I've been able to avoid a cold all winter, but now, I've been tagged.

I wake up today and feel like I need a vacation from my morning routine. My alarm goes off, I hit snooze twice, then realize I can't wait for the alarm to go off again. I take a somewhat longer shower than my usual weekday showers but for some reason the water never gets hot enough for me today. I was looking for that steam to help the cloud in my head disappear. No such luck.

I've opted to skip the coffee this morning. Seriously? Yes. I'm hoping a few jugs of water will help clear my brain cells. In the meantime I'll need to find an alternative way to get my day going. Maybe the void out there will give me some helpful answers.

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