Set your goals high but not your expectations. ~Dove

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Can we really live CHEMICAL FREE?

I don't consider myself a hypochondriac, especially when it comes to myself getting sick or having a disease.  But lately I have unlocked a hidden door into my medicine cabinet and little did I know, there were these chemicals (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate & Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate) that could potentially harm me or my family.  Obviously I knew these chemicals existed, but did I ever educate myself on them?  No.  And why would I?  The less I know makes me feel like I'm invincible.  Either of these chemicals can be Googled and you'll see there are quite a few discussions about them.  I've actually become overwhelmed with all the facts, advice, opinions, and lists.  For now, I've turned off the web and will be taking a deep breath (of chemically free fresh air).

Since having a baby, my eyes lids have snapped back as I glanced over the typical baby products in the local drug store.  Of course there are dozens of choices on powders, shampoos, soaps, creams/lotions, ointments, oils, etc.  But which one will be the safest for my son?  The ol' stand by was what I grew up with: Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo.  But as I have discovered... this may not be the best choice.  What?!

So of course I've been doing some reading.  A LOT of reading.  And of course there are going to be loads of information leading to allergies, diseases, or even cancer.  But we all purchase these products with a little discretion, right?  One local blogger had some good ideas after sitting on a panel for Seventh Generation and the Evironmental Working Group (EWG).  I will honestly say I am slowly converting to Seventh Generation.  I have purchased a few of their products and feel my house shines and smells cleaner without smelling like chemicals.  It's actually very refreshing to be able to smell my house clean and free of any foreign smells.  The EWG has published a Health Tips for Parents printable guide.  Some of the information was common knowledge but was I fascinated with how in-depth their resources were and grateful for a simple page print-out for quick pointers.

As for my decisions with skin care and my baby?  I've learned through the Skin Deep database that maybe some of the products in my medicine cabinet are not as harsh as I thought.  So now that I can retrieve them from my recycling container and put them back in storage, I will have more knowledge of what I'm purchasing in the future.  Knowledge is power, right?

1 comment:

  1. It really is eye-opening, and overwhelming, when you start learning about the chemicals in beauty products. And cleaning products and food and plastics and on and on and on. But I agree - knowledge IS power. And I also think that as more and more of us demand products without scary chemical names, a shift will happen. After all, product marketers want to sell to us, and we are voting with our dollars.



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